Industry news

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Mentoring: A Solution to the Looming Mechanic Shortage?

As Baby Boomers reach retirement age, there will be more job openings than workers to fill them – especially in physical trades like plumbing, construction, and automotive technology. Trade schools and colleges are working hard to find enough young people to take over these job vacancies, but Dave Wright, the fixed operations director at Shaheen Chevrolet in Lansing, Michigan, believes he has a good solution: mentorship.

Mentoring: A Solution to the Looming Mechanic Shortage? Read More »

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Stingray and Camaro: GM’s 2020 Sports Car Lineup

It’s the time of year when the auto industry’s newest offerings are announced, and GM’s 2020 sports cars are drawing string reactions. While the 2020 Corvette Stingray has been a media darling ever since its announcement, many critics find the 2020 Chevrolet Camaro to be lacking in a few key areas. Are these cars worth the price tag? Do they do justice to the brand’s legacy? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of GM’s latest sports cars.

Stingray and Camaro: GM’s 2020 Sports Car Lineup Read More »

Self-Driving Cars: Exploring the Good and the Bad

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Self-Driving Cars: Exploring the Good and the Bad Read More »